Tuesday 16 July 2024

Skirmishing Sipahis

Work on the Ottoman army continues with yet another unit of sipahis. So far all of the mounted Sipahis in my Ottoman army have been in close order, predominantly armed with lances (see the last three photos in this post http://camisado1500s.blogspot.com/2024/06/more-sipahis.html). This unit shows them in a looser formation using their bows. The figures are from the excellent Warfare Miniatures range https://www.leagueofaugsburg.com/shop/product-1138.html. The range is intended for the 17th to 18th centuries so the figures have been tweaked a little to bring them back into the 1500s with the removal of the pistols that they were carrying in their belts. I have also changed some of the shields that the horsemen carry.

These are great miniatures that provide a different option for fielding the sipahis. They can also be used to provide some more heavily armoured riders for my horde of Ottoman light cavalry, http://camisado1500s.blogspot.com/2020/08/ottoman-delis-and-balkan-auxiliaries.html, as shown in the final photo. The sipahis were the mainstay of Ottoman armies and I am still tempted to add yet unit of them skirmishing with swords and lances as shown here https://www.leagueofaugsburg.com/shop/product-1140.html. Before that there are more akinji currently on the workbench which I will hopefully be able to show soon...

28mm sipahis skirmishing with bows.

Skirmishing sipahis ride out in front of a unit of sipahis with lances.

28mm Ottoman sipahis by Warfare Miniatures.

Armoured Ottoman sipahis.

A view of the unit from behind showing the shields slung over the shoulders of the horsemen.

The figures can also be used to add some heavier armoured raiders to the akinji.


  1. Beautiful work on some lovely Warfare miniatures Oli....I think you definitely need to add more of these to your Ottoman army !!

    1. Cheers Keith - the Ottoman army continues to grow - more akinji are up next

  2. They are great, super work on them, Warfare do have a great range of cracking figures.

    1. Thank you Donnie - yes I really like the Warfare Miniature range - some really great armoured Sipahis and some good janissary figures as well

  3. A nice addition - it's always good to find a new source. The contrast between the close order and the open order formations is good to see.

    1. Thank you Stephen - this unit is useful as the figures can also double as more heavily armoured akinji for gaming border raids and clashes

  4. Excellent looking Sipahis,very tempted by renaissance Ottomans !
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you Iain. Building this renaissance Ottoman army has been a lot of work. There aren't many "perfect" figures for the era like there are for some 16th century armies, but it is such an interesting army with so many different types of troops.
