To start off the year we have a continuation from my gatehouse post back in September,
http://camisado1500s.blogspot.com/2024/09/northern-european-gatehouse.html. I was so impressed by the gatehouse that I purchased some more 3D printed fortifications from the same range. The range is called Greendale and parts of it pop up on Ebay for sale although the guys who sold me this stuff seem to have already vanished from the site. Whilst not cheap some parts of the range are great for the late 15th and early 16th century.
In the below pictures the gatehouse is accompanied by the two towers, one being a corner tower and the other a store tower. The store tower has attached wall sections on either side, one of which has a flight of stone stairs and a lean to. It also has a large door and pulley for hoisting goods or weapons up into the tower which is a fantastic detail that really helps to bring the fortifications to life. The new additions also include a couple of wall sections, one of which has a lean to stables against it.
I have plastered these new pieces so that they match which my existing set of Northern European fortifications and painted them in the same white wash style. They fit really well with the existing walls and towers and will allow for some great city wall and castle sets ups in future games. The tower rooves are removable, as shown in the final two photos below, which makes these new pieces even more versatile. Now to get writing some scenarios that can showcase these new additions on the tabletop.
Happy New Year!
Two 28mm 3D printed towers. |
The towers and gatehouse together. |
An Imperialist gun battery about to open fire on the walls and towers. |
A view from inside the walls. |
Detail from inside the walls. |
The store tower with a lean to against the walls. |
Detail of the store tower. |
The store towers pulley.
Detail of the lean to. |
The two towers without the rooves. |
A view from outside the walls of the towers without the rooves. |