Friday, 1 March 2024

German Peasants' War crossbowmen and arquebusiers

Progress on my German Peasants wars collection continues with the addition of some missile troops. Here we have a unit of 24 peasants and landsknecht armed with crossbows and arquebuses. The figures are a mix of Steel Fist, Grenadier, Old Glory, Wargames Foundry and Warlord Games figures. Whilst some of the units of peasants for this collection have been put together so they could be used as German or Tudor rebels this unit is specifically for the German Peasant's War of 1524-1526. The peasant bands included many landsknecht in their ranks so each of the 6 bases in the unit is a mix of men in peasant garb and more flamboyantly dressed landsknecht. By the 1520s you would be unlikely to find landsknecht fighting with crossbows but some of the landsknecht in this unit carry them as a nod to the fact the peasant bands were armed with whatever weapons they could get their hands on.

It was fun putting this unit together and they work well when deployed in front of the rest of the peasant band as shown in the photos below.

A unit of peasants armed with crossbows and arquebuses.

28mm Peasant shot.

The unit is a mix of peasants and landsknecht.

28mm Peasant and landsknecht shot.



  1. As always, Oli, absolutely stunning work on this unit - they are outstanding, and work really well together, given the different figure ranges combined to form the group All the best, Keith

    1. Thank you Keith, I was trying to get as much variation as possible using with limited poses for the peasants themselves.

  2. Beautiful work, Oli. I agree with Keith that your results are always stunning and interesting.

    1. Cheers Jonathan, I was pleased with how these chaps turned out. At some point I will attempt some German Peasant's Wars scenarios on the tabletop.

  3. Goegeous units Oli, cracking job!!

    1. Thank you Phil, they were fun to paint.

  4. They look like some 'desperate dudes', as eclectic as the list of manufacturers they came from. What a unique and interesting unit. Thanks as always for sharing.

  5. However I have the Playmobil Anniversary "Luther" figure and he seemed less delighted than I!

    1. Thank you Stephen - yes they do make quite a rag tag bunch I agree.

      I just looked up the Playmobil Luther - that is hilarious that they did a 2017 500 year anniversary figure! I guess it is because they are German company and Luther is a massive figure in German history - well world history as well.

  6. Well done. Nicely thought through and executed.

  7. Thank you Pancerni, I am sure I will be adding a bit more to this army in the future.
